Photographer - Ta Mwe

Anonymous photographer from Burma

Welcome to my personal website


After two years I have been reporting about the Myanmar’s Revolution with my alias name, I decided to build my own personal website. Thank you so much for visiting my site today. Here, on my own website, I can display few selected pictures from my long-term documentary project, ‘Revolution in Myanmar‘. It’s been a long journey for me to go this far with my long-term project. There were many hard times, and I even lost myself sometimes while working on this documentary project.

I had to find myself again in my pictures and had to take inspirations as well as motivation from other photographers these years. I had to overcome fear and uncertainty by the pictures of legendary photographer sometimes. Anyway, I also would like to say thanks to the organization which supported me, financially during these years. Without their support I might have to work in different industry by now, instead of pursuing my documentary project.

Thanks everyone for supporting me. Please kindly take a look at my project page and contact my agency Sacca Photo for licensing any pictures. Please kindly follow me on Instagram to see my project developments.

With love,

Ta Mwe