Anonymous photographer from Burma

  • Ei Thinzar Maung, political activist is seen protesting along with labour union in Yangon, Myanmar on 6 february 2021.

  • People blocked major roads to stop police and military convoy in downtown Yangon, Myanmar on 1 March 2021.

  • Young protestor girl urges miltary to restore democracy during the anti-coup protest in Yangon, Myanmar on 15 February 2021.

  • A residential apartment building is seen being lockdowned by the police as authority finds COVID-19 patient in an apartment room in Yangon.

  • Unexploded bomb, dropped by the Myanmar military's war plane is seen at a remote camp of Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) in Kayah state.

  • Myanmar’s military torched Dawnyaykhu village's Catholic Church in Demoso township, Kayah state, Myanmar in June 2022. They also torched civilians’ houses and planted landmines in the village, even in the church compound. One freedom fighter was injured and lost his leg by the landmine, planted in this church compound.
